Thursday, 28 February 2013

Doesn't time fly?

It seems ages since I wrote on here, and indeed it is!  Lots of things have been going on lately which has meant that mt time at the blog has been limited.  My lovely mum had her 80th birthday so lots of celebrating with family and friends was in order.  I finally finished the patchwork cushion I made for her to mark the occasion.  I hope she likes it!  

We had my equally lovely mother-in-law to stay for a few days last week.  The weather, which we had high hopes for, was very bleak and cold so there weren't many outings.  We did, however, manage a trip out for lunch to The Lion in Llandinam. And very delicious it was too!!

There have been births, so I have been felting baby booties.  It was the first felting I had done for ages and the first resist felting I had tried, so I was quite pleased with the results. On Sunday I am going felting for the day.  More on this when I get back!

We have finally (fingers crossed!) sold our old house in England, so we need to move out the rest of our belongings.  My husband is there today clearing out the loft.  I have no idea what's up there but I suspect lots of wood and model trains - it's a mystery to me how the ceiling has never collapsed. I can't wait, now, to get all the rest of my things into our house in Wales.  It feels as if we've been in limbo for ages although it's only been a few months. The problem will be fitting it all in.  Anyone want a few hundred books?

The daffodils are out in the garden, shivering away in the cold wind.  I have to say it feels as if we will never have any sunny days again.  The hills have been shrouded in mist a lot of the time, and even Gwennie hasn't wanted to go out in the garden for a good sniff around, although on walks she has been racing through the woods and across fields with abandon.  She has to make the most of it as the lambs will be out in the fields here soon.  There are already lots of lambs on the lower lying pastures but as we are higher up, the farmers are wisely keeping them in at the moment.  It's March tomorrow.  May it come in like a lion and go out as a lamb, as the old saying goes. 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

It's dull outside....

... so here are some pretty colours to cheer us up - this is the cushion I made before Christmas as a present for my daughter.  It's got bits and pieces in it from her childhood quilt cover, curtains we had at our last house and leftovers from the curtains she has in her bedroom at the home she has now.  

I had high hopes of the weather yesterday - it was bright and sunny. But now they say we may get snow again.  A good excuse to stay in, do a bit of sewing, reading and watch some Six Nations!!  Currently I'm reading the first Harry Hole novel by Jo Nesbo - The Bat.  My husband has been reading this series for ages so I thought I'd give it a try and it's good.  A bit easier going than the historical novels I've been reading lately, although I couldn't put Wolf Hall down!  Then I began the Philippa Gregory Cousins War series about Plantagenet women and have just finished The Lady of The Rivers and have The White Queen to go at next.  I'm quite excited to start this as I recently followed the programme about Richard III's skeleton being found in a car park in Leicester. As a teenager I read Josephine Tey's book about the princes in the tower and so have always been fascinated by this period.  I better finish The Bat quickly then.  To the bookcase.........