Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Season of mists.....

Well it's beginning to seem very autumnal now, and that suits me just fine.  Yes, I love to have some sunshine - especially living where I do - it's so beautiful.  But then I start thinking about log fires and woolly tights and puddings with custard.  Each season has its own delights doesn't it? 

Its been such a long time since I wrote a post and so much has happened.  The school holidays have been and gone in a flash - and I'm having to use my calendar to see what I got up to! I had three days at the Minerva Arts Centre Summer School in Llanidloes, learning all sort of stuff from Sandra Meech. We then went off to Derval in France - Llanidloes' twin town - for a visit with the Llanidloes Twinning Association.  We had a fun, action-packed five days.  The travelling was tiring but the welcome we had was wonderful.  And in the midst of all the excitement, our first grandchild was born!! Little Orla is so gorgeous. Here's an early photograph:

Of course, she wasn't supposed to arrive until after we came back from France but babies always surprise you don't they?  Since then we have been making the six hour round trip on a regular basis.  In between I managed to finish the cot quilt I started in June.  it was a pattern from Helen at Bustle and Sew and I'm very pleased with how it has turned out:

The little woodland animals are so sweet aren't they?  And the colours fit beautifully in with her bedroom.  Now I just have the nursery curtains to make before she moves out of her parents' room and into her own.

I also managed to make a little boasting book for her doting father to take back to work after his paternity leave. It's just a 6x4 photo album but I think it looks good:

I missed the August Funky Felters meeting but managed to make the one at the start of September where we mad some bowls. Mine was less than successful as I did not make my layers thick enough around the resist so now I have to decide how I can tinker with it.  Maybe it needs to go in the washing machine. Perhaps if the fibres shrink it will thicken up a bit.  Or I may have to do more soaping up and add more layers.  We shall see.  But I'm not putting on a photo until I've cracked it.  Felting is such a forgiving craft you can nearly always rectify your mistakes.  You may just not end up with what you intended to do in the first place but that's half the fun - it's like alchemy.  

Hopefully I won't leave such a gap between this and my next post.  Thanks for reading x