Goodness knows where the holidays went! They disappeared in a flash. The house in Staffordshire sold and we finally moved all the rest of our furniture to Wales on a very snowy day. The words 'quart'and 'pint pot' spring to mind here but it is all squashed in to be sorted out at leisure. The children, who both moved out ages ago, came and had a massive sort out of all the stuff they had never taken with them. So now the garage is full of stuff to go to the tip.
It's been quiet on the sewing front since I last posted, but I did have a day with the Funky Felters and finally got to do some nuno felting. I used an old, black synthetic chiffon scarf and some pink merino wool tops, along with the remains of a skein of Colinette Point5 wool. The result is a beautifully soft, warm and lightweight stole which is pictured below and I'm very happy with it, It was a NIGHTMARE to felt and took ages. I felt like I'd gone several rounds with Mike Tyson to produce it, but it was worth the effort!!
I ended up taking the stole home to complete the felting process, during which I was ably assisted by our beautiful Border Collie, Gwennie!
Our daughter is getting married in October so there are only six months to the big day!! It's very exciting and I can't avoid the diet for much longer :-( I seen to have a lot to do over the coming months. No details as it's Top Secret, but suffice to say I have enough sewing and decoupage to keep me occupied until the big day, added to which is the temptation to make my own Mother-of the-Bride outfit. The ones I've looked at/tried on so far seem to be horrifically overpriced which really grieves me when I know how much the mark up is on these garments. Just the very mention of the word Wedding seems to say to retailers "Treble the price - these idiots will pay anything!". Well not this idiot, except as a very last resort.
Spring appears to have sprung at last. In fact, I have to admit that today was the first day since the end of October that I wore a pair of shoes to work as opposed to boots. Don't get overexcited though - I still had woolly tights on! Let's hope the warmer weather continues - it was almost tropical today as we reached the dizzy heights of 14 degrees C.
Thanks for reading my ramblings!
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