Monday, 6 January 2014

It's a miracle!

Finally I have found the strength to sit down at my little computer and write a blog post.  I can't believe it's taken me so long but with one thing and another time has flown by - as it does when you get older and spend more time snoozing than doing.  Christmas has come and gone in a flash and seems, now, like a distant memory.  Tomorrow I go back to work and begin the merry round all over again.  

So how have I been occupying myself, you ask.  Well, apart from the aforementioned snoozing (I think I must have been a hibernating creature in a former life) I have done a few things.   Shopping for Christmas presents took up a lot of time, although a lot of it was done online this year.  However did we manage in the days before online shopping?  It's so painless - spend tons of money in the blink of an eye and then parcels arrive at your door as if by magic.  This was followed by wrapping sessions which I have to admit are a bit of a bore.  Several hours of my life I can never get back.  Then I cooked my little socks off all through the festive season and hopefully managed to satisfy the ever hungry mouths belonging to my son and son-in-law. Yesterday, however, we took down the cards, decorations and Christmas tree.  This took approximately eighteen  minutes and was a lot quicker than it took to put them up.  Now, like Mother Hubbard's cupboard, everywhere seems bare.

On the sewing front, I made some lovely new curtains for the guest room and a bag as a present.  Felting wise I discovered a really exciting technique at a workshop with Mandy Nash who is really a jewellery designer but teaches felting as a sideline!  At our December Funky Felters meeting she showed us some wonderful German woollen fibres that are terrifically hard wearing and strong but which felt really easily.  We did a 2D piece of slashed felt and I can't wait to do some more.  I've put a picture of my effort below:

It consists of 16 layers of fibres with a plastic resist sandwiched in the middle of them to allow you to slash through the top eight layers to reveal the fibres underneath.  I absolutely loved the technique and have lots of ideas of things I want to have a go at.

I was originally going to do this post ages ago and entitle it Hole in One.  That was because I had just read a novel at one sitting about a detective called Harry Hole.  However, I failed to do that and have now read several more.  Hole in Six doesn't have quite the same ring but they are such a good read.  They are written by a Norwegian author called Jo Nesbo and are brilliantly written crime thrillers about a detective, Inspector Harry Hole (say Hole-a) of the Oslo police.  Because they have been translated in the wrong order I didn't read them chronologically but I would recommend them if you are a fan of Ian Rankin, Stig Larsson etc.

For Christmas, my husband bought me (with a little help) two brilliant textile books.  The first, by Maggie Grey (link to blog) called Dissolvable Delights, is about sewing with dissolvable film and I am itching to have a go at this.  In July, I am booked to go on a workshop with Lynda Monk called Exploring Creative Surfaces at the Quilt Association's Minerva Centre in LLanidloes (thanks Georgina!) so I also got her book - Fabulous Surfaces - which has got me really excited. Only another six months to wait!

The weather is so dull and gloomy, I've not been out and about much.  I have, however, discovered the joys of pinning!  Why have I not used Pinterest before?  It's a brilliant way of collecting together related ideas so that you can compare them with each other.  If you haven't tried it, here's a link to my boards .

If you've stuck it out this far - well done!!  Thanks for reading.

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